Sunday, January 26, 2014

Leaving home...

Was feeling morbid a few days ago and penned the following...

"Leaving home..."

What will you do when death comes knocking?

Will you man up and go smiling
Or will you go meekly with a whimper?

Will you leave with regrets and promises unkept?
Or will you leave with contentment in your heart?

Will you leave with resolutions unmet?
Or will you leave with all dreams chased?

Will you leave with a life that promised but didn't quite deliver?
Or will you leave having eked out every last drop of juice from the magnificent fruit that life is?

Will you leave with unexpressed love?
Or will you leave with the true depths of your love known to all?

Will you leave with friendships abandoned?
Or will you leave with friendships thriving?

Will you leave with a lot of money?
Or will you leave with a lot of experiences?

Will you leave with unforgiven grudges?
Or will you leave with a heart full of forgiveness?

Will you leave behind nothing but material possessions?
Or will you leave with a legacy that truly outlives you?

Will you leave without having asked for forgiveness?
Or will you leave having atoned for your sins?

Will you leave with the regret of what could've been?
Or will you leave with the comfort of having always given it your all?

What will you do when death comes knocking?

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