Monday, April 15, 2019

Problems: Unwelcome or Welcome! :-)

a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.

A relatively recent epiphany: "Problems in one generation can lead to blessings in another generation" + "Problems are to be welcomed because they are wise teachers, provided you're willing to learn."

Exhibit A: Due to a few unexpected roadblocks in my parents life, they got turned onto a spiritual path at a relatively young age ... consequently, my brother and I were exposed to spirituality through in-home discussions, discussions with our parents’ friends, books on the topic while we were still in elementary/middle school. Fast forward, 20ish years and I find that as I try to "parent" our daughter, I attempt to incorporate a lot of life "lessons" from my early exposure to spirituality into our day-to-day interactions - in the hope that she learns early on

·         that peace and happiness come from within,
·         that love and kindness is the only way,
·         that who you are on the inside is far more important than who you are on the outside,
·         that how you see yourself is far more important than how the world sees you
·         that the world outside of you is but a reflection of you
·         ...

so, had my parents not experienced those roadblocks in their lives, it's conceivable that our daughter's upbringing would have taken a different course because my parents experience and, by extension, my early life experience helped shape who I am today.

In effect, those problems in my parents life = a blessing in our daughter's life.

Extending that same school of thought and reflecting on the problems and roadblocks of my own life, each period of struggle was inevitably followed by a period of calm and stability - the proverbial "ups and downs of life". Each of those struggles and challenges often (but not always) made me look within to examine what lesson I needed to learn and what the particular circumstance was trying to teach me as my own soul progresses through this lifetime. Once I had accepted the lesson, the circumstance usually (but not always) resolved itself. In some instances, the uncomfortable circumstance manifested in different forms across different time periods until I accepted the lesson.

So, with the benefit of hindsight, those problems, actually helped me progress in both spiritual and material ways ... so, what problem(s) are you experiencing that could lead you to greater success and an expansion of your understanding?

What if problems are to be welcomed instead of being regarded as unwelcome.

What if the better definition of a problem is this?

a matter or situation that will cause discomfort but that can also serve as a source of accelerated learning and growth.

1 comment:

  1. Nice perspective Sid and good to see you back writing :-)
